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Strong motion seismology

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Strong ground motion data

Strong motion instruments and data examples. Ground motion characteristics, response spectrum. Omega-squared source model, source scaling. Directivity.

* Ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs)

Determination of empirical GMPEs (relation between ground motion, distance and magnitude), parameters, uncertainty, examples.

* Seismic hazard assessment

Probabilistic seismic hazard assessment (PSHA). Eleatory and epistemic uncertainty. Earthquake catalog processing. Hazard curves, uniform hazard spectrum, sensitivity analysis, deaggregation. Deterministic seismic hazard assessment (DSHA).

* Site effects

Frequency-selective amplification ('resonance') and prolongation of ground motion due to subsurface structures. Layered and basin structures. Spectral ratios with respect to reference station. Horizontal/vertical spectral ratios. Transfer function of 1-D models excited by plane waves. Empirical transfer functions by generalized inversion. Numerical simulation of 1D, 2D and 3D site effects - a short introduction. Joint source-basin interaction.

* Source effects

Point-source approach, stochastic Green’s functions. Kinematic modeling of finite-extent sources, integral and composite models, directivity, hybrid approaches.

* Strong motion modeling

Synthetic seismograms for anti-seismic design. Scenario earthquakes, synthetic GMPEs.


Records of strong ground motions, ground motion prediction equations. Seismic hazard assessment.

Site and source effects, modeling of strong ground motions.