* Grammar
- past participle - regular and irregular (hablado, hecho…)
- Pretérito perfecto compuesto - he hablado…
- time expressions used with Pretérito perfecto compuesto
- irregular verbs (traer, dar, poner, coger, entender, pedir…)
- personal pronouns in direct/indirect object (lo sé, te la doy, no se los traen…)
- imperative for tú y vosotros
- numerals - revision
- absolute superlative
- demonstratives pronouns
- introduction to Pretérito perfecto simple/indefinido (hablé, dijeron…)
* Communication and vocabulary
- Christmas and the end of the year, how it is celebrated in the Czech Republic and in Spain
- birthdays - parties, presents, congratulations
- names of the months, dates, date of birth
- clothes and shopping for clothes
- food and shopping for food
- weather
Lugares famosos de España y América Latina
El carácter y el comportamiento de las personas
Los bares - las tapas y los pinchos
Actividades de la vida cotidiana
Viaje a Argentina y a Chile
El Chupa Chups y el Cola Cao - productos españoles
La historia de los incas. Biografía de Simón Bolívar.
Slight changes possible.
Spanish for beginners II (NJAZ080) follow-up course. General Spanish course. Development of all language skills will be included.
Enrollment in this subject is limited.