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Spanish for Beginners II

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Grammar

- conjugation of reflexive verbs


- irregular verbs (venir, ver, conocer, comenzar, empezar, dormir, volver…)

- direct/indirect object expressed by nouns, its position in a sentence

- possessive pronouns

- numerals - cardinal and ordinal

- verb GUSTAR

- HAY in contrast with ESTAR

- adverbs and prepositions of place

- comparison of adjectives

* Communication and vocabulary

- talk about the family and family relations, ask about the age

- describe a flat/house/rooms, say where things are

- agree on a date

- write a simple letter/email

- cardinal points

- seasons of the year, weather

- computer vocabulary

La rutina diaria

Los gustos y las aficiones - Profesionales famosos del mundo hispano y sus gustos

El tiempo atmosférico y las estaciones del año

Los deportes

La comida y las fiestas

Tipos de vivienda.

Productos del mundo hispano conocidos internacionalmente

Slight changes possible.


Spanish for Beginners I (NJAZ017) follow-up course. General Spanish course. Development of all language skills will be included.

Enrollment in this subject is limited.