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French for Intermediate Students I

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Topics

- * Tematické okruhy:

- L´alimentation

- Le logement et la convivialité

- La famille, les rapports à l´autre

- Le monde du travail, le marché du travail

- La mode et la consommation, la consommation collaborative

- Les relations sociales et interculturelles

- La diversité

* Grammar

- Le subjonctif et l´indicatif

- La négation et la restriction

- Le passé composé et l´imparfait

- Les indicateurs de temps

- L´accord des verbes pronominaux au passé composé

- Les pronoms relatifs

- L´expression du but

- Le comparatif et le superlatif

- La place de l´adjectif

- Le plus-que-parfait

- Les pronoms en/y ; la double pronominalisation

- L´antériorité, la simultanéité, la postériorité


The course is designed for students who have reached a certain level of language knowledge, can spontaneously communicate in common situations and understand the main ideas of common listening and writing tasks. They are also interested in professional texts, and are able to comment in writing on various topics.

They will further deepen their language competencies, especially listening and reading comprehension, and their own oral and written discourse. Enrollment is limited.