* Topics:
Modern communication, advantages and disadvantages of modern means of communication, virtual dating sites and communication networks, means of transport, lifestyle, leisure time, living, environment, nature, holidays.
* Grammar and lexical resources:
Declinations of oči, uši ... (dual forms), time conjunctions než, až, dokud..., conjunctions of cause, reason and consequence proto, protože, jelikož, a proto..., descriptive and reflexive passive voice, passive adjectives udělaný, napsaný..., verbal nouns psaní, čtení ... , active adjectives dělající, kreslící, píšící .... and adjectives of purpose psací, čisticí ..., pronouns týž, tentýž, pronoun jenž, relative clauses, declination of nouns den, týden, peníze..., perfect and imperfect verbs - pairs, comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs, diminutives.
General Czech taught using selected textbooks. Development of all language skills.
Professional language will be a part of the course, with the respect to specialisations of course participants.
Enrollment in this subject is limited.