*1. Basic notions of measure theory. a) Sigma-albegra and related structures, measure b) Measurable functions *2. Construction of the integral a) Integral on a measure space b) Monotone convergence theorem c) Linearity of the integral *3. Constructions of measures a) Abstract outer measure b) Carathéodory theorem c) Construction of the Lebesgue measure *4. Lebesgue integral a) Lebesgue integral on the real line b) Convergence theorems c) Integrals depending on a parameter *5. Measure theory a) Dynkin systems, uniqueness results b) Premeasures, the Hopf theorem c) Signed measures d) Lebesgue decomposition and Radon-Nikodým theorem e) Sequences of measurable functions, Jegorov theorem f) Measurable mappings and push-forward of a measure *6. Multiple integrals a) Product of measures, the Fubini theorem b) Change of variables c) Polar and spherical coordinates *7. L^p spaces a) Basic definitions, equivalence classes b) Hölder and Minkowski inequalities c) Completeness *8. Lebesgue-Stieltjes integral a) Regularity of measures b) Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures and distribution functions c) Integration by parts d) Absolutely continuous and discrete cases
An introductory course on measure theory and integration. Not equivalent to the required course NMMA203.
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