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Cryptographical Systems

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Shannon's theory (entropy, mutual information, unicity distance, perfect secrecy).

The DES cipher. The meet-in-the-middle attack on 3DES. The AES cipher. Basic block cipher modes of operation (ECB, CBC, CFB, CFB-l, OFB, CTR).

Stream ciphers. Linear feedback shift registers. The A5/1 cipher.

Hash functions. The birthday paradox. The Merkle-Damgård construction. MAC, HMAC.

Public key cryptography and digital signature - RSA. Håstad's attack. Factorizing the modulus N using the exponents e and d. The Diffie-Hellman protocol and choosing the protocol parameters. The ElGamal encryption system, ElGamal signature scheme and the DSA algorithm.


Required course for bachelor's program in Information security.