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Structural, Optical and Magnetic Characterisation of Ultrathin Films and Surfaces

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Introduction

Importance of ultrathin films and surfaces for applications (optoelectronics, magnetic recording, magneto-optical recording, magnetoelectronics); preparation of clean surfaces (Ultra-High-Vacuum, surface contamination and cleaning, adsorption, surface analytical techniques); methods for growth of ultrathin films.

* Surface crystallography, electron diffraction and scanning probe methods

Surface symmetry; electron diffraction - qualitative considerations; principle and applications of Low-energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) and High-energy Electron diffraction (RHEED); Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (STM) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) for studies of surface morphology.

* Electron spectroscopies

Electron sources, electron detection and energy analysis devices; Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) - principle, spectral information and quantification; Electron Energy-loss Spectroscopy (EELS).

* Photoelectron spectroscopies

Classical and Inverse photoemission; More-photon photoemission; application to studies of surface and adsorbate states; Time-resolved two-photon photoemission (femtosecond electron dynamics); UPS and XPS.

* Magneto-optical Kerr effect

Basic principles; experimental configurations; theoretical approaches; quantitative description; magneto-optical magnetometry and spectroscopy; practical applications to different systems.

* Optical second harmonic generation (SHG)

General considerations; SHG at surfaces and interfaces; typical excitation laser sources and detectors of generated photons; pump-probe experiments - relaxation processes; characterization of laser pulses; studies of non-magnetic or magnetic surfaces and layers.

* Magnetization reversal process

Magnetic domains; optical Kerr microscopy; Magnetic force microscopy (MFM); Spin-polarized Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy (SPSTM); typical cases of magnetization reversal; reversal in nanostructures.


The aim of the lecture is to give an overview of experimental physical approaches which are presently used to develop modern magnetic materials for future applications in magnetic recording, optoelectronics and magnetoelectronics. The scope of the lecture will include preparation and structural characterization of surfaces and ultrathin films by different methods.

Then, the emphasis will be put on different experimental techniques which excite the studied system by photons or electrons and retrieve the required information about the studied specimen from detected photons or electrons.