Presentations and analysis of different grammatical phenomena in Czech, based on corpus data and linguistic literature. Selected topics:
Morphology of Czech: traditional limitation to inflection vs. inclusion of derivation (derivational morphology); boundaries between inflectional and derivational morphology, problems and advantages of the integrating approach to inflection and derivation
Possessive, reflexive and possessive-reflexive pronouns
The voice in the system of verbal forms (active, passive, rusultative, etc.)
Coordination, subordination and pseudocoordination
Further topics depending on the interests of the participants.
The subject is conceived as a practical analysis of more complex grammatical phenomena in Czech (reflexivity, diathesis, word order, ellipse, inflectional vs. derivational morphology etc.). The participants will study the relevant literature and will independently perform a qualified analysis of corpus language data.
The subject opens according to the interest of the students.