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Physics II (Electricity and Magnetism)

Class at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


* Electrostatics

Electric charge, Coulomb's law, intensity of electric field, electrostatic potential, Gauss's law, electric dipole, electric field of conductors, capacitance, capacitor, Millikan's experiment, electrostatic field of dielectrics, permitivity of materials.

Differential vector operators, non-linear coordinates.

* Stationary electric field, electric current

Continuity equation, Ohm's law, Joule heating, electric circuits of steady current, electromotive force, Kirchhoff's laws, methods of solution of electric circuits.

* Stationary and quasi-stationary magnetic field

Magnetic field induction, Biot-Savart's law, Amper's theorem, vector potential, force effect of magnetic field, Faraday's law, electromagnetic induction, self and mutual inductance, magnetic field of materials, magnetic circuit.

* Circuits of alternating current

Quasi-stationary circuits, transient phenomena, generation of alternating current, complex expression of alternating current and voltage, power of alternating current, solutions of alternating circuits, eddy currents, Kelvin's skin effect.

* Time-dependent electromagnetic field

Maxwell's laws and their solutions, Poynting's law, propagation of electromagnetic waves.

* Dielectric and magnetic properties of materials

Mechanisms of electrical polarisation, Claussius-Mossotti's relation, microscopic nature of magnetism, diamagnetism, paramagnetism, electrically and magnetically ordered materials.

* Electrical conductivity of materials

Current propagation through gases, liquids and solids.


Electricity and magnetism from the Coulomb law to Maxwell equations.

Electrostatics. Stationary electric field and electric current.

Stationary and kvasistationary magnetic field.

Transient phenomena and alternatig current.

Nonstationary electromagnetic field.