Vztahy mezi volnou a užitou tvorbou, specifika užitné tvorby a její hodnocení.
Vztahy mezi materiálem, technologií, estetickou hodnotou, autorským záměrem, tvarem a dekorem předmětu,
Praktická cvičení s materiálem. Práce s motivem - inspirace - stylizace tvaru, barevné varianty.
Past and Present of graphic design as an inspiration for his own making. Development of creative thinking in the material and their own craft skills processing. Terminology. Transformation in art education at the primary level of education.
Relationships between free and applied art, specific utility works and its evaluation.
Relations between the materials, technologies, aesthetics, authorial intention, shape and decoration object
Practical exercises with the material. Working with motif - inspiration - stylization shape, color variations.
Past and Present of graphic design as an inspiration for his own making. Development of creative thinking in the material and their own craft skills processing.
Terminology. Transformation in art education at the primary level of education.Relationships between free and applied art, specific utility works and its evaluation.Relations between the materials, technologies, aesthetics, authorial intention, shape and decoration objectPractical exercises with the material. Working with motif - inspiration - stylization shape, color variations.
Contemporary material creation. Relationship of form and content.
Development of creative feelings, thoughts and experience working with different materials. Techniques and technologies.
Transformation in art education.