Vymezení hlavních kroků ve výzkumu (stanovení výzkumného problému, studium literatury, výběr participantů, sběr dat, analyzování a interpretování dat, psaní výzkumné zprávy).
\r\nMetody sběru dat.
Charakteristika dobrého výzkumného tématu.
Deskriptivní statistika - četnosti, míry polohy, míry variability, korelační koeficient, grafické znázornění dat.
","inLanguage":"cs"},{"@type":"Syllabus","text":"\r\nQualitative and quantitative educational research - their characteristics and comparison and the most common types.
Main steps of research process (identifying a research problem, reviewing the literature, selecting participants, collecting data, analyzing and interpreting data, reporting and evaluating research).
Characteristics of a good research topic.
Methods for data collection
\r\nDescriptive statistics - frequencies, measures of central tendency and variability, correlation coefficient, graphing data
","inLanguage":"en"}]}Qualitative and quantitative educational research - their characteristics and comparison and the most common types.Main steps of research process (identifying a research problem, reviewing the literature, selecting participants, collecting data, analyzing and interpreting data, reporting and evaluating research).Characteristics of a good research topic.
Methods for data collection
Descriptive statistics - frequencies, measures of central tendency and variability, correlation coefficient, graphing data
The course prepares students to conducting qualitative and quantitative research in education. The content of the course is divided into two parts - educational research methods and statistical analysis of data.