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Latin for romanists I.

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Úvod do studia - Lingvistická terminologie

Slovesa 1.-4. konjugace (présens., imperfektum.)

Sloveso esse + složeniny

Substantiva a adjektiva 1. a 2. deklinace

* Požadavky: min. 80% účast na seminářích, v případě odůvodněné nepřítomnosti náhradní práce aktivní účast na seminář

* Podmínky k zápočtu: písemný test


To acquire linguistic competence which will enable understanding of simpler Latin texts. To acquire and deepen paradigms, structure and logical construction of the language.

To point out etymological connections between Latin words and internationally-used terms. To realize the relation between Latin and French, to deduce on one´s own the meaning of French words taken from Latin, and thus to prepare students for studying other linguistic disciplines.

The gradation and evaluation of the courses are ensured.