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Phonetics of the Russian Language I

Class at Faculty of Education |


Communication (stages of communication process). Current state of Russian phone, phoneme and letter.

Articulatory and acoustic phonetics. Phonology.

Suprasegmental elements: dynamics, rythm and melody. The function of stress.

Reduction. Classification of consonants and vowels.

Accomodation, assimilation, dissimilation. Intonational types of Russian sentence.

Transcription and transliteration.


Communication and its stages. Sound, phoneme and letter from the current point of view. Articulation and acoustic phonetics.

Phonology. Suprasegmental elements: dynamics, rhythm, melody.

Stress and reduction. Classification of segmental elements: consonansts and vowels.

Sound combinations: accomodation, assimilation, dissimilation, dieresis. Sentence intonation types , sentence stress and pause,pace of speech , sentence melody.

Graphics and orthography. Transcription and transliteration.