* Course goal:
Learning and exercising the basic facts and skills in the area of the education psychology
* Synopsis of the course:
Teacher's profession - approach, demands, risks.
Tuition - its psychological basics: Approach to the teaching, relationship with the cognition, individual specialities of learning, learning self regulation.
Education and chosen aspects of the personality.
Motivation and educational self-regulation: Motivation dispositions and motivation processes, motivating pupils in school and in the family, perspective orientation of the pupils, motivation programs, developing the will characteristics.
Values and moral development.
Interaction teacher x pupil (pupils) - concept of a pupil, concept of a successful pupil, the rules of the process of allocating causes, perception - approach orientation of the teacher.
Family education - specifics of family and school socialization, interaction teacher x parent (family anticipations).
Evaluation and classification in school - orientating and developing forms of evaluation, risks and possibilities of individual forms of evaluation.
Diagnostic and self-diagnostic competences of the teacher.