PSYCHOLOGICAL METHODOLOGY I aftercare, alpha level, analysis of variance, applied research, a priori method, balanced Latin square, basic research, behaviour, between-groups variance, between-subjects design, blind experiment, block randomisation, carryover effect, case study, ceiling effect, computerised literature search, conceptual replication, confidence level, confidentiality, construct validity, control, control condition, control group, control variable, converging operations, correlation, correlation coefficient, correlational research, counterbalancing, criterion, critical thinking, cross-sectional method, cross-sequential design, data, debriefing, deception, decision process, deduction, dependent variable, descriptive observation, descriptive statistics, design, difference, dispersion, distribution, double-blind design, ecological validity, empirical approach, equal interval, ethology, experiment, experimental control, experimental design, experimental group, experimental method, experimental reliability, explanation, ex post facto, external validity, factorial design, false alarm, falsifiability view, field research, floor effect, forced-choice tests, generalizability, Greek-Latin-square design, hypothesis, hypotheses testing, independent variable, individual differences, induction, informed consent, interactions, internal validity, inter-observer reliability, interval scale, intervening variable, Latin-square design, longitudinal method, magnitude estimation, matched groups design, measurement, measurement scales, mixed design, mortality, multiple baseline design, naturalistic observation, nominal scale, non-equivalent control group, null hypothesis, null result, observation-treatment-observation, operational definition, ordinal scale, parallel forms, parsimony, participant observation, pilot research, placebo effect, population, power of a statistical test, precision, prediction, predictive validity, protocol, psychophysical methods, psychophysics, quasi-experiment, randomisation, random-groups design, random sample, ratio scale, regression, relational research, reliability, repeated-measures design, replication, researcher bias, response styles, retrospective study, reversal design, sample, scale attenuation effects, scaling, scientific method, selection bias, setting representativeness, significance level, simulated experiment, social desirability, split-half reliability, stratified sample, subject variable, survey research, systematic replication, test reliability, testability, testable hypothesis, test-retest reliability, theory, theory of signal detection, two by two factorial design (2x2), type 1 error, type 2 error, unobtrusive measures, validity, variance, volunteer problem
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