Information, information technology, electronic information and computers
Technical and program equipment of personal computer, historical minimum
Environment of personal computer, operating systems
Basic user's skills, working with keyboard and mouse, Czech on the computer
Basic working with Windows operating system, running and ending programs (applications)
File system, file management, using file managers
Antivirus protection, using of memory space, data compression, data media
Local area network ? working with the Novell network, basic commands
Internet ? basic operations and using of the Internet service including information search
Electronic mail, electronic conference
Basic typography of author's document, standard function of text editor
Creating and editing text document in the text editor MS Word
Object integration into text, basic object editing
Demonstration of processing graphical and numerical data
Inter program data exchange, file formats and it's conversion
Teacher's and pupil's competence for working with information and information resource in kindergarden
The aim of subject K022 Introduction info information education is to reach in students competences for effective work with information with current information technology on the University and also create conditions for next development in this direction.
The goal of subject K022 has to create and systematize user's skills needed for mastering computer environment and to get the chosen knowledge from the activity of technical and program equipment of computer and computer networks needed for basic communication with computer and work with application programs. The subject is focused on the competences of teacher and pupil for work with information and information resources in the conditions of kindergarten.