* Sylabus: analyse vizual perception a vizualś forms. Fyziologic, neurofyziologic and psychologic factors.
Origin of art work - content, form, stimul, theme - J. Kulka
Comparation of spontal introspection and scienceś analyze pictureś forms by basic of study literature.
Recherges, analyze and reflection of study literature. L.S. Vygotskij, Piere Francastel, E.H. Gombrich
* Key words: art work, structure, content, theme, form, symbol, icon - creation, perception, reception, aperception, response, interaction, intepretation.
Anotation: psychology of art ? place and subject in systém of science and study. Psychology of perception ? making of vizual.
Perception, reception, aperception, response, interpretation. Origin, subject, methods and changes of psychology of art.
Basic psychologic directions and tendences and their influence to psychogy of art.