Postup zpracování odborné studie
Informační zdroje v odborné práci
Metody používané v empirické části práce
Zpracování získaných informací a výsledků výzkumu
Interpretace a prezentace získaných výsledků
Obhajoba závěrečné bakalářské práce
Information resources and materials for BP processing
Method of processing a professional study
Information sources in professional work
Methods used in the empirical part of the thesis
Processing of collected information and research results
Interpretation and presentation of the results obtained
Defense of the final bachelor thesis
Information resources and materials for BP processingMethod of processing a professional studyInformation sources in professional workMethods used in the empirical part of the thesisProcessing of collected information and research resultsInterpretation and presentation of the results obtainedDefense of the final bachelor thesis
The course has both theoretical and practical point of logical line processing research or application work: topic selection, procedure after assign the bachelor thesis (BT), formulation of objectives, methodology, work with printed and electronic information sources and their citations, methods suitable for the realization of practical part of the BT solution model, examples BT processing, processing of results and their interpretation, requirements for a formal organization, presentation of selected sections of BT.