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German Literature in Bohemia and Moravia

Class at Faculty of Education |

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*Úvod do problematiky;


*dobový kontext; 

* Pražská něm. lit.  


*Rainer Maria Rilke: Die Weise von Liebe und Tod des Cornets Christoph Rilke; Rilke a jeho dílo v kontextu německojazyčné lit.; biografie autora a dílo, interpretace lit. textu

* Gustav Meyrink: GM; Meyrink a jeho dílo v kontextu německojazyčné lit.; biografie autora a dílo, interpretace lit. textu

* Franz Kafka: Die Verwandlung; Kafka a jeho dílo v kontextu německojazyčné lit.; biografie autora a dílo, interpretace lit. textu


The aim of the course is to gain an orientation in the specific area of German written literature, which is part of the cultural history of our country. Understand the German-Austrian-Czech cultural and literary relations as part of the common history of central Europe. Lectures: German literature in Prague and in the Czech lands at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Neo-romanticism and myth of Prague. Representatives: Friedrich Adler, Hugo Salus, Paul Leppin, Gustav Meyrink, Rainer Marie Rilke, Leo Perutz et al. First World War. Founding of Czechoslovakia. Max Brod as an organizer of "expressionist" generation. Representatives: Franz Kafka, Oskar Baum, Paul Kornfeld, Franz Werfel, Ludwig Winder, Willy Haas et al.

Socialists: Egon Erwin Kisch, Franz Carl Weiskopf, Rudolf Fuchs and others. Moravian authors: Hermann Ungar, Ernst Weiss. The youngest generation: Johannes Urzidil, Hermann Grab. The last writer in the tradition of Prague German literature: Lenka Reinerová.

Content of the seminar: Interpretation of selected works by the mentioned authors (e.g. Rilke, Meyrink, Kafka).

The course has been taught in German.

The aim of the course is to help students understandthe specific area of German-written literature thatis a part of cultural history of our country. German-Austrian-Czech cultural and literary relationships should be understoodas a part of common Middle-European history. The content of the course: German-written literaturein Prague at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Neoromanticism and the Prague myth. Main representatives(F. Adler, H. Salus, P. Leppin, G. Meyrink, R. M.Rilke, L. Perutz and others). World War I. The originof the CSR. M. Brod as the organiser of the "expressionist"generation.

Representaives: F. Kafka, O. Baum, P.Kornfeld, F. Werfel, L. Winder, W. Haas and others. Socialists (E. E. Kisch, F. C.

Weiskopf, R. Fuchs and others). Moravian authors (H. Ungar, E. Weiss). The youngest generation (J. Urzidil, H. Grab). The last woman author of the Prague-German literary tradition: Lenka Reinerová. The content of the course: Interpretation of selected works (e. g. Rilke, Meyrink, Kafka, Werfel, Kisch, Winder, Urzidil, Reinerová and others).