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Choir Rehearsal I

Class at Faculty of Education |

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čt. 14. 11. v 19.30 koncert pro 1. lékařskou fakultu v kostele sv. Ignáce pá 15. 11. v 18h v KC Novodvorská ne 17. 11. v 19h Slavnostní koncert pro UK ke 30. výročí sametové revoluce

čt 12. 12. v 19h Adventní koncert PedF UK v Karolinu


The subject, which is the membership of a large mixed faculty, follows the previous four semesters of choral practice, which students of choir conducting completed within the field of music education. The course focuses on the practical use of some choirmaster discipline, especially voice education in the choir, the basics of clocking techniques, playing scores and working with scores.