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Special Course II - Ethos and imaginative Literature

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Hlavní tematické okruhy:

řecký mýtus v komparaci s mytologiemi příbuzných kultur vztah mýtu a ritu, specifika řeckého kultu a náboženství múzická umění, Homerus, Ilias I a XVIII.; Hésiodos, Theogonie, Práce a dny

·         mýtus - literatura - náboženství;

·         inspirace (enthusiasmos, maniá) vs. techné; Homerus, Xenofanes z Kolofonu, Platon (mimetická povaha umění)

·         základní rysy a specifika antického divadla, jeho funkce ve společnosti

·         náboženství, mýtus a filozofické teorie

řecká tragédie a proměny představ v průběhu staletí 


The course is based on the philosophical and ethical reflection of ethical ideals in the very beginnings of European culture. Through the interpretation, the influence of contemporary, national and religious feelings on the moral ideals of man is presented in selected literary works.

Emphasis is placed on the ephemeral epics of Homer and the didactic epics of Hesiod, which are at the beginning of the formation of European culture and show the archaic world as a whole. The course reflects the mythos and pathos of the Greek epic, the oriental influence on the formation of Greek myths, the musical sources of enthusiasm as well as the character of the Homeric heroes and the related criticism by other generations, from Xenophon to Plato.

The course also introduces the basics of the formation of ancient theater and drama, with an emphasis on the moral aspects of acting and acting figures. The relationship between myth and rhythm, myth and logos, the typology of enthusiastic action, the structure of sacred space in the Greek drama.

The final part of the course is devoted to the reflection of the catharsic effect of the tragedy on the moral behavior of man on the basis of reading Plato, Aristotle, Klement Alexander, Nietzsche and Heidegger.

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