Organizace semestru
Příbuzenství a původ
Manželství a aliance
Rodina jako proměnlivá instituce
Rodina jako základ nerovnosti
Založení rodiny
Rodiče, dítě a socializace
Konec rodiny?
Alternativní formy soužití. Film. Diskuse.
The aim of the course is to introduce students to essential anthropological terminology used in the area of family and kinship studies, and to inform at the development of family within the European history and the diversity of families in different cultures.
Kinship research, as an integration principle in all types of society, is one of the oldest branches of cultural anthropology.
From its basis all types of small groups arouse, including family, whose European form is mistakenly considered to be universal. The course acquaints students with historical forms of European small groups and, on factual examples, demonstrates the various concepts of family in different cultures. It focuses also on the current issues concerning present family from anthropological point of view.
Syllabus: 12.Introduction, family ? the outline. 13.Basic kinship terminology. 14.Family in the course of history ? family in the Antique period. 15.Family in the Middle Ages. 16.Family in the Modern Era. 17.Family in different cultures. 18.Jewish family. 19.Muslim family. 20.Romany family. 21.Present family. 22.Man and woman in family. 23.Child in family.
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