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Philosophy II

Class at Faculty of Education |

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1. Poklasická filosofie existence - S. Kierkegaard

2. Filosofie života - Fr. Nietzsche a H. Bergson

3. Fenomenologie - pojetí lidské  zkušenosti, času a konceptu přirozeného světa

4. Fundamentální ontologie  M. Heideggera a analytika lidského pobytu

5. Personalismus - M. Buber a E. Lévinas

6. Filosofie jazyka a její podoby (Wittgenstein, logický pozitivismus, hermeneutika)


This course is a follow-up to Philosophy I, continuing in systematic and historical-philosophical explication of fundamental philosophical attitudes towards ontological and noetical problems research. In the first instance, it focuses on experience analysis (from empiristic, transcendentalistic and phenomenological viewpoint; e.g. it examines the relation between experience and the reality, the experience of single entities and the world as a whole etc.), analyses a pre-language mode of being and problems of sensuality and motion.

Much attention is paid to the explication of time and space as the features of being, and the main periods of related concepts development from the Antiquity Period till present. The course is concerned with the expression of nature and the world, and the comparison of different interpretations of truth (e.g. the problems and definitions of truth, the true and certainty, the relation between being and the truth).

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