Doznívání klasicismu a sentimentalismu, romantismus, počátky realismu. Proměny poetiky a žánrů. Funkce
literární kritiky, Bělinskij a naturální škola. Dobové literární polemiky a časopisy. Krylov, Radiščev, Karamzin, Gribojedov,
Žukovskij, Baťuškov, Puškin. Lermontov, Gogol. Rozbor vybraných uměleckých děl.
Course summary:
The end of classicism and sentimentalism, romantism, the beginning of realism. Transitions of poetics and genres. The function of literary criticism, Byelinsky and The Natural school. Literary polemics and magazines of the period. Krylov, Radishchev, Karamzin, Griboyedov, Zhukovsky, Batyushkov, Pushkin, Lermontov, Gogol. The analysis of selected literary works.
Students learn about the development of Russian literature from the end of the 18th century till the half of the 19th century in comparison and close relation to the formation of Russian society and culture in the context of worldwide and Czech literary development. The development of analytical and interpretative skills in literary texts.