The aim of the course is to equip students with relevant knowledge and competence in the field of electricity, principles of electrical circuits and their application to specific circuits including numerical solutions in the following thematic areas: basic concepts of circuit theory, electrical equipment and models, components and circuits of linear and nonlinear circuits lumped and distributed parameters. Fundamental circuit variables, voltage, current and power output.
Basic passive and active circuit elements, circuit topology, Thevenin and Norton's theorem, transfiguration. Kirchhoff's circuit laws.
Elemental analysis of linear circuits, general methods of analysis. Waveforms of the circuit parameters, mean and RMS values of periodic waveforms, stable and harmonious steady state in circuits, resonance and resonant circuits.
Basic properties and uses of selected semiconductor devices. Measurement of electrical quantities - methods and measuring instruments, signal generators, power.
The teaching is to acquaint students with the possibilities of simulation software for electronic circuits and work with them, and in the introduction course also includes information on professional qualifications in electrical engineering by Vyhláška 50/1978 Sb.
Introduction of basic theoretical knowledge of electrical engineering, production and use of electricity.