estetická interakce, výtvarné vnímání, imaginace, tvorba, komunikace
Contents - key words:Visual Arts dispositions, ontogenesis, aesthetical interaction, phenomenon and its interpretation, creativity, insight, responsibility. aestethetical interaction, visual perception, Visual Arts perception, imagination, creativity, symbol, expression, communication
","inLanguage":"en"}]}Contents - key words:Visual Arts dispositions, ontogenesis, aesthetical interaction, phenomenon and its interpretation, creativity, insight, responsibility. aestethetical interaction, visual perception, Visual Arts perception, imagination, creativity, symbol, expression, communication
Children´s art as a specific phenomenon of ontogeny. Developmental stages, individual differences and typological inclinations .
Pedagogical aspects of aestetic interactions:Aims, contents and tools of art education in primary school. Conceptual models of art education as an influence of planning (teaching unit, thematic units, projects). Theoretical phrames of contemporary Visual Art Education.