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Introduction to Art and Culture 3

Class at Faculty of Education |


* Syllabi: Netherlandish Realism, Late Gothic style, Early and High-Renascence, Mannerism, Baroque, Classicism, Romanticism, Realism of 19th century

* Key words: Currents stylistic, Humanism, Linear perspective, Designed Space


Polarity and comparation of Italian racionally renaissance, sensual interest of the Dutch town realism and transalpine renaissance with tratition of the Christian west Roma, Byzanc and islamic culture in the Europe. Out of Europe art cultures since 14th until 19th century.

Developmental peripeteia and mutation postrenaissance epoch from the top renaissance and manyrism throught the style streams of the baroque to the comparation with the order of classicism and neoclassicism, subject-object accent of the romantism and complete of the trust in the sensual facet of the cognition and expression of the world in the realism of 19th century. Czech art culture since renaissance till realism and revivally tendency in the art of 19th century.