02. Historie grafického designu (stručný přehled) I.
03. Grafické editory I.
04. Současná podoba grafického designu (stručný přehled) II.
05. Grafické editory II.
06. Současná podoba grafického designu (stručný přehled) III.
07. Grafické etudy.
08. Ilustrace dětské knihy I.
09. Ilustrace dětské knihy II.
10. Finální realizace praktického projektu.
11. První zápočtový termín
12. Opravný zápočtový termín.
History and present time in the field of the illustration, book art and artists’ book. Possibilities and rules of graphic design creation. Working in different graphic media..
\r\nKey words: Illustration, book art, artists’ book, history and development, uniqueness of means of expression, rhythm in nature and art, decoration and flat
","inLanguage":"en"}]}History and present time in the field of the illustration, book art and artists’ book. Possibilities and rules of graphic design creation. Working in different graphic media..
Key words: Illustration, book art, artists’ book, history and development, uniqueness of means of expression, rhythm in nature and art, decoration and flat
The aim of this course is to introduce students main present techniques used in the field of the illustration, book art and artists’ book. The origins and historical development of graphic design as a specific part of art and visual culture.
Examples of extraordinary pieces of art and good-quality everyday production of graphic design. Rules of stylization, simplification, color and shape exaggeration in 2D decorative composition.
The rhythm in nature, human creation, decorative arts and graphic design. Current graphic design, materials, techniques and means of expression.
Historical development of the Czech and European graphic design from the end of the 19th century till present times. The most important authors, artistic groups and styles.