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Methodology I

Class at Faculty of Education |

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Lingvodidaktika – definice a cíle, klíčové otázky.

Metody v širším smyslu.

Didaktické principy.

Receptivní řečové dovednosti – čtení a poslech s porozuměním.

Produktivní řečové dovednosti – ústní a písemný projev.

Jazykové prostředky (jejich pojetí a funkce v současné lingvodidaktice) - slovní zásoba, mluvnice, fonetika, grafika (nová pravopisná norma) – jazykové prostředky a jejich pojetí a funkce v současné lingvodidaktice.

Typologie cvičení.


The aim of the subject is to develop the knowledge base of branch didactics, i.e. knowledge of the system of basic didactic knowledge and the skill of orientation in the complex issue of the content and process of teaching and learning. Based on the knowledge of the areas of goal setting, communication competence and planning, within this subject, students will become familiar with the basic principles of acquiring language resources, both on a theoretical and a practical level.

In the seminars, there is a reflection of the students' previous knowledge and experience from practice, supported by other inputs, such as examples of video recordings (including from the students' practice), and their reflection supports the development of students' ability to see specific aspects of teaching, problem situations, but also to ask questions and critically analyze and evaluate experiences own and foreign.

The content of the course consists of the following topics: Lingvodidaktics - definitions and goals, key questions. Methods in a broader sense. Didactic principles. Receptive speaking skills – reading and listening comprehension. Productive speaking skills – oral and written. Language resources (their concept and function in contemporary language teaching) - vocabulary, grammar, phonetics, graphics (new spelling standard) - language resources and their concept and function in contemporary language teaching. Typology of exercises.