The aim of the course is to systematize, deepen and broaden knowledge and consolidate skills in the field of construction of constructions, which are not covered in the course Syntax I. This objective corresponds to the course content related to the following topics: Issues of the German subordinate clause and other sentence constructions from a theoretical point of view, negation in German, actual sentence structure, extraction from the sentence frame.
Training in the correct formation of subordinate clauses of manner, adjective, purpose, effect, comparison and others; training in infinitive and semi-sentence constructions including the antepenultimate attribute. Two approaches are inherent in this subject: a) confrontational - by comparing parallels, similarities and differences in the mother tongue, i.e.
Czech, to make a significant contribution to the prevention of errors arising from interference from the mother tongue; b) didactic - to introduce strategies for interpreting and practising the above-mentioned syntactic constructions.