1. Definice násilí
2. Druhy, formy a znaky domácího násilí
3. Oběti a pachatelé domácího násilí
4. Násilí v intimních vztazích - partnerské vraždy
5. Stalking
6. Syndrom CAN, syndrom CSA včetně CSEC
7. Syndrom EAN
8. Právní následky
9. Prevence
The course provides an insight into problems of home violence from the victim's and perpetrator's perspective. Students learn the conception of home violence and its basic forms, victimology and Syndrome of Abused Woman.
Besides, the course focuses on post-traumatic stress reaction, therapy, legal principles and involvement of state and private institutions in the Czech Republic and other countries. It draws attention to the interconnected terms: human dignity - health - life and violence - family - society.