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International Context of Disability Discourses

Class at Faculty of Education |


The Czech Statistical Authority reports that there were 1 077 673 disabled people living in the Czech Republic in 2013 (CSA, 2013). However, this statistic does not apply to the day-to day experience of most of the Czech citizens.

Is it the case that 11 % of the people we learn with, work with, make friendships with, share political power as citizens, are disabled persons? The answer very likely indicates an absenteeism of people with disabilities as active citizens in the Czech society. Disabled people are much less likely to access and complete tertiary education.

The unemployment rate amongst disabled people is by far higher than in the overall population despite significant growth of the Czech economy during last decade (ANED, 2018). Such trends can be observed internationally.

The course allows the Czech and international students to better understand factors related to these limited outcomes not only in the Czech Republic but also in other countries. It is argued that is not the impairment or condition on the side of the person as a reality of life, but environment constructed by and for non-disabled people.

The course inspires the students to understand disability in a different way; not as purely health deficit which has to be “cured” by therapy or charity, but also as a social issue and matter of equality.