By the time you finish this course we should be able to:
• Describe and explain how problem situations in class would look from various points of view. Evaluate reflections and developments of our self-awareness so we can understand how our own past experiences might be influencing our responses to future pupils. By understanding the meaning of ours and pupils ́ behaviour we can respond appropriately with encouragement, comfort and support of our students.
• Describe and explain the activities to get pupils thinking and moving in healthy ways, ideas for energising and refocusing, healthy diet and understanding of the body. Describe how we can identify causes of stress. Explain why and how to develop relaxation techniques and set realis- tic goals.
• Apply related theories or findings from course literature to real world situations by knowing how to effectively prepare your own lesson.
• Identify and analyze ethical aspects of particular problem situations in the classroom. Explain the difference between effective and noneffective communication. Formulate ideas in writing in a clear, coherent, and logical style. • Make the classroom a safe and caring place for pupils to take risks and make mistakes without fear. Create self development activities list you may use for your future practice. Course policies and values Values shaping teaching of the course:
• Inclusiveness: this syllabus welcomes all students, respects student diversity and differing points of view.
• Integrity: while working with datas keep representing original sources.
• Responsibility: do not offend someone, respect each others, not evaluate and not criticize without asking.
• Expectations for success: all the participants of this course are surely capable of doing well and improve their social-emotional skills if they actively participate on the tasks. Resources Course literature and web tutorials are available in moodle or library. Logistics Instructor of this course can be contacted by email.
Lifologie - rozvoj psychosociálních dovedností
V kurzu se zaměříme na základní dimenze seberozvoje ve vzdělávání budoucích učitelů: sociálně emocionální dovednosti a výchovu ke zdraví.
Požadavky ke splnění kurzu:
Aktivní účast na lekcích, plnění úkolů a zpětná vazba.
Po dokončení tohoto kurzu by studenti měli být schopni:
• Popsat a vysvětlit, jak se dívat na problémové situace ve třídě z různých hledisek.
Jak mohou naše vlastní zkušenosti z minulosti ovlivňovat naše reakce na budoucí žáky.