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Selected Chapters from English Linguistics I

Class at Faculty of Education |


1. Introduction - The (hi)story of English

2. Phonology

3. Morphology - word classes (parts of speech)

4. Morphology - categories

5. Lexicology - word-formation processes

6. Lexicology - lexical semantics

7. Syntax - simple sentence

8. Syntax - complex and compound sentences

9. Review - making use of contrastive approach


This option serves partly remedial, and partly consolidating, functions. It is also designed to deepen the student’s knowledge and may have a motivating force.

It focusses on the primarily langue disciplines. The seminar strives to interrelate theory with practical analysis, and wherever necessary, adopts the contrastive approach.

The students take a crucial, active part in seminar activities, viz. through presentations on the selected given topics, through their peer-reviewing of the presentations, and by analysing specific authentic text samples in view of the particular linguistic areas. The lessons may occasionally combine features of lectures, seminars and workshops.