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Literature in the EFL classroom

Class at Faculty of Education |


Why literature in the EFL? (definitions of ‘literature’, the specificity of ‘literature’, L2 literature in the EFL classroom)

Why teach literature? (literature as a resource language competence and literary competence, etc.)

Literature, Relevance and Life

The process of Reading (reception theory)

Literature and Experience (the process of reading; motivating the student; teacher-centred and student-centred literature classes)

Classroom procedures

Approaches to text (a preliminary taxonomy of questions; developing responses; relating the text to the student’s personal world; asking and sequencing questions, another medium; prediction)

Language-based approaches (jigsaw reading; matching; gap-filling; reading aloud; alternative versions; writing creatively in a foreign language…alternative versions; writing creatively in a foreign language)

General Issues

The literature curriculum (some criteria for text selection;  simplification and graded readers; cross-cultural factors; literatures in English; issues in the testing of literature)

Advanced literature class (language and literariness; analyzing metaphor; guided rewriting; reader’s theatre: drama in the literature class, etc.)

L2 reading context - Comparing L1 and L2 reading (Linguistic and processing differences between L1 and L2 readers; Individual and experiential differences for L1 and L2 readers; socio-cultural and institutional differences influencing L1 and L2 reading development; dilemmas for L2 reading)


The course focuses on the ways of using L2 literary texts in the EFL classroom reflecting the specific aspects of the didactics of literature (English literature), ELT methodology principles, the differences in L1 and L2 reading as well as the current trends and changes of the Czech curriculum. Students acquire theoretical and experiential knowledge and develop teaching skills relating to an effective and optimal use of L2 literature in the EFL classroom.

Students’ seminar papers and presentations will show that they are able to employ particular techniques and approaches to L2 literary texts reflecting the above mentioned aspects.