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Romance Intercomprehension III – Inter-romance Understanding of Romance texts

Předmět na Pedagogická fakulta |

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The themes proposed for the 12 meetings of the semester are : (1) Romances varieties and variational linguistics (2) Romance dialects and languages (3) Latinity and Romanity (4) Ibero-Romance texts 1 (5) Ibero-Romance texts 2 (6) Gallo-Romance texts 1 (7) Gallo-Romance texts 2 (8) Italo-Romance texts 1 (9) Italo-Romance texts 2 (10) Rhaeto-Romance texts (11) Eastern Romance texts (12) Latin texts

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The Romance languages and their linguistics define a frame in which a large quantity of official languages and dialects meet together both physically, in their areal distribution and their interpenetration, and statutorily, in the reciprocal influence and the competitivity of their linguistic communities. The origin of other lexical influences can be identified outside the areas of the Romanophony, in the Arabophony and the Germanophony, for example.

The consideration of the Romance varieties in contrast and in comparison leads to the identification of important and relevant convergences and divergences in their morphonological and syntactic description, in their lexicologic description and in the composition of their vocabularies.

The course Romance Intercomprehension III – Inter-romance Understanding of Romance texts is a course focused on the Intercomprehension of the Romance texts by means of the lexical and morphosyntactic apprehension of the main features and phenomena of the Romance varieties, of their linking and their configuration in the authentic texts. The students will be led to apprehend by themselves, after the consideration of the proposed authentic Romance examples, the meaning of the read text and to suggest their own approximative translations.