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Didaktika hudební výchovy III

Předmět na Pedagogická fakulta |


The final didactic subject represents a recapitulation, generalization and reconciliation of knowledge and practically acquired skills in the field of music didactic tendencies, methods and procedures supporting contemporary music education in primary and secondary school in the European context. Special attention is paid to the fact that subject didactics, as well as the didactics of music education, meet the communicative concept, in which music education fulfills the function of a communication process, and music occupies a central position here.

The theoretical and practical level is focused on the interconnectedness of music education at the level of primary and secondary school - taking into account the general and special. Attention is paid to psychological and didactic issues of perception, apperception, didactic interpretation of music, musical activities of adolescents in the field of polyester education and music pedagogical integrative tendencies in connection with individual and group creativity.

Creating SEP. Discussion and analysis of practices.