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Cloud data processing

Class at Faculty of Education |


PRINCIPLES OF THE CLOUD ENVIRONMENT· Web browser environment, principles of working with cloud information, BYOD· URL, network services, bookmarks, streaming, instant communication· Account binding, synchronization, security, two-factor authentication· Account settings, browser extensions, network OS, secure logout


· Principle and possibilities of cloud storage, connection with applications, quota· Means of network communication (mail, chat, social networks)· Means of network work (office formats, graphic and media editors)· Means of network collaboration (sharing, comments, revisions, editing suggestions)· Work on a shared project (Form, mind maps, diagram, roles)· Publishing cloud data (creating and publishing an information system)

SELECTED CLOUD ENVIRONMENT· Google Apps for Education - departmental domain accounts, storage access· Electronic support - linking Moodle, Google Drive and Classroom· Other online offices - 365 and One Drive, Zoho and Only Office, Libre Office stream· video conference, realtime API· Project timeline - shared calendars, Events, Hangouts· Connection of services within Disk, domain, account and project


The aim of the study subject Cloud data processing is to reveal and analyze the principles of working with digital data in a cloud environment and to compare them with the traditional concept of working with digital information in the environment of locally installed applications.