3. Matematics and Arts (art -deco, geometrizující prvky v umění, cubism, Vasarely, fractlas).
4. Music and Mathematics - fractals, rhytm, dependences, elements of kombinatory, specific strimulation of imagination
5. Literature and stimulation of space imagination, creation of time-spacial images, alternative expressions of quantitiy in poetry and fiction, etc.
Pozn. It is possible to modify the syllabus respecting the students proposals.
1. Matematics and architecture (architectura styles, axial symmetry, floor projection, measure, estimation, light and shadow, shapes as a art decoretion, transformation 3D-2D, similarity), Matematics and open space. Mathemaics and history.
2. Matematics and cultural tradition Anthropomatematics and etnomathematics, Matematics and Physical training Sports and elements of Statistics and Probability.
3. Matematics and Arts (art -deco, geometrizující prvky v umění, cubism, Vasarely, fractlas).
4. Music and Mathematics - fractals, rhytm, dependences, elements of kombinatory, specific strimulation of imagination
5. Literature and stimulation of space imagination, creation of time-spacial images, alternative expressions of quantitiy in poetry and fiction, etc. Pozn. It is possible to modify the syllabus respecting the students proposals.
Worshop form conected with live trough teaching and new technologies; students will discover choosen ralations (mathematics and ...). The activities are situated in socio-cultural context and interconetd with antrophomathematics and ethnomathematics.