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Předmět na Pedagogická fakulta |


The aim of this course is to introduce students to some major works of English literature from its earliest beginnings to the second half of the eighteenth century. The lectures are designed to offer a general historical, social and cultural context for the course texts. The seminars will deal with reading and analysis of the individual selected works. Themes:

1. Old and Middle English Poetry and Prose

2. Alliterative Revival, Geoffrey Chaucer

3. Renaissance Period – Background, Elizabethan Period, Renaissance love poetry

4. English Renaissance Drama, William Shakespeare

5. Late Renaissance – Ben Jonson, John Donne

6. Civil War – John Milton and Others

7. Restoration Period – Drama and Prose

8. Eighteenth Century – Introduction and Poetry

9. The Rise of the Novel

10. The Development of the Novel, Late Classicism

11. Pre-Romantic Poetry