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Selected texts from older English literature

Class at Faculty of Education |


The aim of this course is to introduce students to some major works of English literature from its earliest beginnings to the second half of the eighteenth century. The seminars will focus on interpretation of the individual works. Themes:

1. Beowulf, Wanderer, Seafarer

2. Pearl, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

3. Geoffrey Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales

4. William Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, As You Like It

5. John Milton: Paradise Lost

6. John Locke: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Aphra Behn: Oroonoko, or the Royal Slave (extracts)

7. Alexander Pope: The Rape of the Lock

8. Samuel Richardson: Pamela (extracts), Henry Fielding: Tom Jones (extracts)

9. Horace Walpole: The Castle of Otranto