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History of Music Education in Bohemia

Class at Faculty of Education |


A. History of Music Education

1. Milestones of music education up to the 17th century

2. Music education in the Enlightenment and up to the end of World War I

3. Music education in Czechoslovakia and its major milestones in the 20th century

4. Integrative and polyaesthetic music education

5. Music education associations and societies in the Czech Republic and the world B. Historical aspect of musical activities

1. Popularisation of music

2. Aesthetic, psychological and sociological prerequisites of apperception

3. Musical work as a basis for musical activities

4. Working with song

5. Creative activities

6. Integration of disciplines and project-based learning as a prerequisite for working within the school educational process


The course introduces the historical and theoretical aspects of music pedagogy. In practical terms, it leads students to simulate didactic situations with a focus on one musical activity as a key factor for the development of appropriate musical skills and knowledge. A. History of music education

1. Milestones of music education to the 17th century

2. Music education in the Enlightenment and the end of the First World War

3. Music education in Czechoslovakia and its major milestones in XX. century

4. Integrative and polyesthetic music education

5. Music-educational associations and societies in the Czech Republic and in the world B. Historical aspects of musical activities

1. Popularization of music

2. Aesthetic, psychological and sociological prerequisites of aperception

3. Musical work as a starting point of musical activities

4. Work with song

5. Creative activities

6. Integration of disciplines and project teaching as a prerequisite for work within the school educational process