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Multikulturní výchova

Předmět na Pedagogická fakulta |


The course introduces students to the issues of multiculture and inclusive education. Attention will be paid to current issues of migration and intercultural coexistence. Aims: Based on professional knowledge, students objectively argue and discuss the issue of pupils with different mother tongues as specific categories of pupils in inclusion. Students will explain the process of support and the possibilities of the school in working with these students based on a deeper understanding of historical and current migration issues.

1. Inclusive education.

2. Basic terminology, culture, identity, ethnocentrism.

3. Groups, identity and minorities.

4. Migration

5. Children with OMJ in a Czech school.

6. Refugees, asylum procedure.

7. Unaccompanied child.

8. Roma pupil

9. Case reports of selected pupils with OMJ.

10. Assisting organizations and inclusive education.