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Relaxation Activities

Class at Faculty of Education |


The course has an experiential character, includes practical issues of coping with stress and practicing relaxation. Attention is focused mainly on techniques of psychogenic and non-psychogenic retuning, which the pedagogical worker can incorporate into his daily life. The aim of the course is to understand the importance and mastery of selected techniques and exercises supporting relaxation and concentration. Content definition:

1. The importance of relaxation and concentration for health promotion.

2. Criteria of (mental) health and signs of growth of mental balance.

3. Practical coping with stress and challenging situations in personal and professional life.

4. Principles of psychogenic and non-psychogenic retuning.

5. Autoregulation of attention, thinking, emotions and ideas.

6. Relaxation concentration exercises.

7. Visualization and imagination.

8. Practicum of the basic level of Schultz's autogenous training.