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Seminář k přípravě bakalářské práce (sbormistrovství)

Předmět na Pedagogická fakulta |


Learning outcomes of the course unit The aim of the course is to orient students in the basic stages of scientific research work in music pedagogy and prepare them from the methodological point of view to the solution of bachelor thesis with a research focus in the field of choirmastering. Familiarization with the characteristics of scientific research in its entirety from activities of study nature (problem determination, information preparation, theoretical understanding of the topic), through activities of an organizational and research nature to write the final research report (bachelor thesis).

Orientation of the student in the basic printed and electronic information resources of the field. Research logic, content and methodological aspects of research, application of individual research methods and techniques in music education practice.

Preparation for elaboration of bachelor thesis in terms of content construction, formal requirements, linguistic and stylistic correctness. Ethics of scientific work.