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Sociální filozofie

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The course introduces students to the issues of social philosophy and introduces the basic concepts, directions of contemporary socio-philosophical thinking. It will provide orientation on the basic variants and alternatives of further development of the company, which are currently being discussed. It presents two approaches: value (normative) and analytical (ie conceptual), the history of ideas and ideals of the community. It leads to the view that there is not only one social concept of development, but possible modalities of different social development, which must necessarily be taken into account even in the practical social sphere of everyday life, when the crisis means chance, possibility. In the pedagogical field, these issues and their solutions are always against the background of mutual misunderstanding, intergenerational conflicts. The aim of the course is to introduce students to the issues of social philosophy, to acquaint them with the basic concepts, directions of contemporary socio-philosophical thinking, which indirectly, especially after our accession to the EU, affect our attitudes and actions. Content definition:

1. Concepts of contemporary social philosophical thinking

2. History of ideas and ideals of society

3. The concept of "post-industrial society" (D.Bell), "civil society" (R.Dahrendorf)

4. The concept of a "functionally differentiated society" (J. Habermas, N. Luhmann)

5. Concepts of "society of many opportunities" (P.Gross), "society of work" (C. Offe)

6. Concepts of "disintegrated society" (H.Heitmeyer), "society of experience" (G. Schulze)

7. Concepts of "world society" (M.Albrow), "transcultural society" (W.Welsch)

8. Concepts of "risk society" (U.Beck, N.Luhmann), "society of knowledge" (H. Wilke and others).