Plaing the Piano
Piano stylization of a folk song.Piano stylization of popular songs.Playing choral scores and performing various choral activities (conducting with one hand, playing selected combinations of voices, etc.
Methodology of choir warm-up
Motivational introduction to practice or. text translation
Use the correct methods of training
Changes of characters in conducting
Working with declamation, dynamic, agogic
Analysis and formulation of problems
Motivational communications
Didactics of practicing choral compositions of different styles, differentiation according to the compositional techniques used, problems of using individual musical means of expression, types and performance level of choirs. The students' readiness in the knowledge of reading music is developed by the accompaniment and playing of piano lifts.
Particular attention is therefore paid to playing from the page, in which the main goal is not the detailed expressive elaboration of the interpreted piece, but the pursuit of a global "reading" of the score and its sound realization in a form appropriate to the technical possibilities of the performer. The course also aims at the ability to collaborate artistically with a soloist or choirmaster and the accompanying choir.
Work with a variety of musical material - didactic and instructional, orchestral and chamber parts and scores, piano excerpts, as well as the necessary stylization of folk and popular songs using chord markings. Students can put their theoretical knowledge and practical skills into practice in chamber choir rehearsals.