Pojem a složky čtenářské gramotnosti ve vztahu k praxi učitele LV
Výběr a pochopení textu k práci v hodině
Plánování pozpátku
Konzultace nad vývojem přípravy
The course OK0404303 for KM / ZS 3 will focus on the constructivist conception of LV and the possibilities of reading development through the work with text in the 3rd-5th century. cl. Active participation in all meetings, reading of the prescribed professional reading and personal records in a set format, preparation of own LV learning unit with text according to the planning process backwards and according to LV principles taught in this course are required for the credit.
The student will verify the preparation in his / her own classroom (his or her "borrowed") and will supplement it with examples of pupils' learning outcomes as well as thorough teacher self-reflection aimed at the subsequent improvement of the teacher's work in LV.