Charakteristika prostředků neverbální komunikace (mimika, proxemika, fyzický postoj, přímý dotek, gestikulace, pohledy, úprava zevnějšku).
Faktory ovlivňující podobu a kvalitu komunikace.
Komunikační bariery.
Funkční využití prvků neverbální komunikace.
Vedení diskuse.
Verbal communication - the content and the form (voice characteristics, articulation, rate, speech melody).
Characteristics of means of non-verbal communication (mimicry, proxemics, physical position, direct contact, gesticulation, looks, external appearance).
Factors influencing the form and quality of communication.
Communication barriers.
Functional use of elements of non-verbal communication.
Leading a discussion.
Verbal communication - the content and the form (voice characteristics, articulation, rate, speech melody). Characteristics of means of non-verbal communication (mimicry, proxemics, physical position, direct contact, gesticulation, looks, external appearance).
Factors influencing the form and quality of communication. Communication barriers.
Functional use of elements of non-verbal communication. Leading a discussion.
The students acquire basic knowledge about the process of social communication in the scope of this subject, about the factors that influence the form and the quality of communication, and any possible communication barriers. In various model situations, students test their skills of functional application of the acquired knowledge.
The concept of this subject is mainly based on practical activities accompanied by the presentation of theory and students reflection.